Domestic/Sexual Abuse

Adult Protective Services

11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

Caring Unlimited

Sanford, ME

Caring Unlimited's Emergency Shelter provides temporary safe haven and support services for individuals in York County who need to flee their homes to become safe from an abusive partner, or are...

Domestic Abuse Hotline for Men and Women

Family Crisis Shelter-Portland

Family Violence Project

Maine Men Against Violence & Sexism

138 Pleasant St.
Farmington, ME 04938

Safe Voices

PO 517
West Farmington, ME 04992

The Mission of Safe Voices is to support and empower those affected by Domestic Violence and engage the community in creating social change in Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin Counties.

The vision of...

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Service (SAPARS)

P.O. Box 6
Auburn, Maine 04212
Holman House, 2nd Floor
144 High St
Farmington, ME 04938

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services (SAPARS) is a sexual assault crisis and support center serving Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford Counties. SAPARS has worked for change by educating our...

St. Francis Community Home

East Orland, ME

The Next Step-Washington County